Horváth Anett

“Buzz, an energetic and active community. We are different in many respects, but what connect us with each other is that we have a definite common vision along which we want to achieve more. This endeavour gives birth to such synergies and dynamism within the community that is able to show in itself how unique we are as compared to others.”

Horváth Anett

Logistics Manager

Following my studies in economics I started my career in the field finance at my first workplace via Meló-Diák School Association. I quickly realized that my personality was fit for a much busier and more dynamic job and that as an economist I was not interested in financial tasks. When shortly after that I joined Lamba and got familiar with the world of logistics, it was love at first sight. I found freight forwarding, transport operation tasks and the coordination of drivers very exciting and enjoyed the experience that I could contribute to the successful transfer of goods to their destinations by my work and knowledge. I liked the organizational side and dynamism of this work. I had no doubt at all that this was the field I wanted to improve in and reach my full potential. I started to work for Rábalux Group in 2005 as a logistics manager. It used to be a smaller business as compared to its current size now, therefore I also took part in the operative works too. I found it especially useful as a leader, because I had the chance to get familiar with every single work process and I could see the logistic operation in its full complexity. It served as an excellent basis when I started to build up my team deliberately and helped me find the place of each person in the system based on their individual competences so that they could work in a position best fit for their skills and expertise. Parallel to the growth of Rábalux, I continuously developed too. My professional skills improved, because the growth and the need for providing service for the increasing number of subsidiaries demanded a different logistics model as far as storage and transportation were concerned. I also managed to progress as a leader, because as the number of team members increased a different managerial approach was needed. In the past years I acquired relevant experience as a project leader. One of the largest assignments was the creation of the technology and operation of our logistics centre built in 2011. While being a project leader I gained a remarkable knowledge in the ERP system we use, so meanwhile I have become the expert of the integrated management of our core business processes. I am proud that I can manage a team of almost 60 people and a logistics centre responsible for the supply of more than 10 countries with products. I had to face several professional challenges in the past 10 years that I enjoyed very much and I know that this does not mean the end of it at all.